Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FAKE PHOTOS and SmartPhone Apps :-(

This is something to consider when people submit photos along with ALL the smart phone apps available as well .... http://features.en.softonic.com/how-to-turn-someone-into-a-ghost-in-photoshop

It's far too easy to FAKE photos now-a-days. People MUST have reference pictures. This is what you get when putting you camera in "burst" mode when taking pictures during an investigation. Most cameras have that option. It will take 3-5 pictures back to back, and give you a reference for your photos if you stay still. If you catch something on one picture and not the others, you MAY have proof of the unknown. Plus, was there any other corroborating evidence, like and evp’s, videos, meter readings etc...?

A single photo, all by itself is NOT proof. With so many Smartphone apps out there that can easily insert a "ghostly apparition" into any picture these days, one photo is no longer evidence at all without the proper back up to prove the possibility otherwise.

http://www.angelsghosts.com/ghost_pictures_exif_data and don't forget to verify with exif photo data !!!!! Most FAKERS are not aware of this!!! But it too can be faked....... but make sure before you post submitted photos and encourage the FAKING BEHAVIOR of some for attention!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Different kinds of hauntings.......

I have had people call with many different concerns about what is going on in their homes. Some have heard unexplained noises, doors & cabinets opening & closing, electrical issues, items being moved or missing, shadows, cold spots, a touching sensation, apparitions and more…

There are different kinds of “hauntings” that produce different kinds of activity. Here is a simplified explanation of some of the possibilities….

Residual Haunting:
A residual haunting is like a recording of a past event. The movie simply plays over and over again. This type of haunting does not involve and intelligent spiritual presence that can interact with you. Some may be able to see this occurring while others cannot see it at all.

Intelligent Haunting:
Humans, upon death, may remain behind in spirit form, for various reasons.
(you can explore this further at following blog http://paranormalpoint.blogspot.com/2014/01/earth-bound-spirits-lost-souls-ghosts.html).
Some can communicate verbally via and EVP via a recording that was made, but not heard by anyone alive at the actual time of recording. There are also situations where the spirit can manifest in full form as light/energy or in form with no substance. Although these are called an intelligent haunting, even the spirit may not be aware that they are dead. The spirit may also be fully aware of what they are doing as well.

Shadow People:
Every culture around the world has report of shadow people. Even though there isn't any one agreed on answer, here are a few theories..... They appear to have mass, as opposed to an apparition. They have non-human like movement, which has been described as either hurried and jerky or floating like a balloon or in traveling in slow motion or thick unseen syrup. Some believe that they are inter-dimensional beings which exist in a universe parallel to our own. Others suggest that they are demonic entities, or are observers from somewhere else; some even suggest that they may be created unconsciously by negative psychic energy related to a extreme emotional or physical stress and or trauma that took place.

It means noisy ghost in German, but a poltergeist isn’t a ghost at all. The prevailing theory involves an adolescent female (although sometimes there is none), subconsciously causing objects to move, bang and crash due to rage or other emotions. It will appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly.

Sometimes called inhuman spirits they have never been the spirit or ghost of someone who has passed away. These entities were never human and may be referred to by some as evil spirits or demons. The goal seems to be possession of a human. A bad smell and guttural growling is associated with this type of haunting.

Personal experiences with many of the above lead me to believe vehemently that ghosts and the afterlife exist. Proving it scientifically is something else all together. Some suggest that we simply have not development advanced enough equipment to do so. But, Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds of our times suggested the theory that energy cannot be created or destroyed. And in doing so, he suggests that the energies of our bodies need to go somewhere when we die….so why not in the form of ghosts?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I WANT PROOF, beyond a shadow of a doubt

I have to laugh.....

As a paranormal investigator and one who believe in the paranormal 100%, I get people who put out videos and photos online and claim those as proof positive of the existence of the paranormal.

Having a video of an orb, blinking, seeming to interact with you, obeying a voice command, hovering, or one a hundred other things, that has been recreated in a sterile lab under scientific conditions proves you have a video of dust. Now, one of the supposedly pieces of dust, might not be dust, but till you can prove that scientifically, it's para-interesting period! Just as getting an evp reading from a site is cool, it is not "proof".

I have just gotten done in a discussion with someone on a page on FaceBook who then deleted the whole post for not agreeing with him. You post a photo or a video and only want those that will agree with you comment, PLEASE SPARE US ALL and don't post it if you cannot take what others are going to tell you - or post, "ONLY those that agree that this is proof, need respond".  That way those of us that have read scientific journals, and study as well as participate in this field will know you don’t want to know the truth. It's called learning and evolving. I once thought the same thing about orbs, and people once thought the world was flat.....and we were proven wrong.

The funny part of all this is that I BELIEVE in the paranormal and the afterlife....but I want to be more than a believer, I WANT PROOF, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they existence......don’t you!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Smartphone Apps and FAKE "GHOSTS"

There are few things that infuriate me more than someone that posts a photo with help of one of the hundred apps out there with a fake ghost for attention.  The fact that they do it in the first place isn't enough, then they defend it and get offended when you question them about the validity of the photo..... REALLY?

Here are just a few fake images we obtained from different apps..(we've put them on one photo as a collage for demonstration purposes)

These are just a few of the images and applications that are available.  I would also like to point your attention to this site on facebook to help point out these fake photos.  



We, as Paranormal Investigators that truly believe in the existence of "ghosts and the afterlife", would like nothing more than to have CONCRETE proof of what we believe.  Those that submit these FAKE photos and made up stories for attention are hurting those of us that take this seriously and are using scientific methods to debunk all findings, including our own, so that only what is left might become the proof of what we want to find.

I don't know how else to say this, but STOP making fake photos and posting them as the real thing.  You want to make one as a party gag, ok, but don't post them on the internet for others to post as the "real thing".  Cause we can tell, we are collecting data and evidence to disprove these as well. 

“Para-Interesting”, is what this is, until it is proven otherwise ……

Over the last few days I have participated in various discussions on different Paranormal sites on FaceBook over people submitting ONE photo to show PROOF POSITIVE that they've captured the paranormal.  I've them asked if did anyone take reference pictures? This is what you get when putting you camera in "burst" mode when taking pictures during an investigation. Most cameras have that option. It will take 3-5 pictures back to back, and give you a reference for your photos if you stay still. If you catch something on one picture and not the others, you MAY have proof of the unknown.  I asked if they lived close enough, had they tried to go back and re-create what they captured if they didn't have reference pictures. Plus, was there any other corroborating evidence, like and evp’s, videos, meter readings etc...?

The answer was no, no and no. Yet, they clung to their passionate belief that their photo was proof positive all by itself.   With so many Smartphone apps out there that can easily insert a "ghostly apparition" into any picture these days, one photo is no longer evidence at all without the proper back up to prove the possibility otherwise.

As Paranormal Investigator we have to take the stance that it is probably not paranormal BUT, we would not be so quick to throw it out either. Nor would we be able to present it to a client as is without more research.  So, “Para-Interesting”, is what this is, until it is proven otherwise …… with the key word being proven, as in scientifically …. Not to what you believe …. As a Paranormal Investigator, isn't it our job to prove the existence of all things paranormal? How can you do that without quieting the doubts of your harshest skeptics with irrefutable proof based on scientific testing?  The answer is, You cannot….

Be it an orb, a face or line of light..... if there is another explanation for that being in your photo, then you need more to prove it otherwise or you are relying on just hope and belief.  You have to have scientific proof positive.  You have to become your own harshest critic in order to do this; even though you are the one that believes.

And if you are someone who post a photo on the internet and then become offended when someone questions its validity, then please, DON’T POST IT.  With so many FAKES out there, you are not being realistic.  If you have belief in something, then your goal should be to make your case intelligently and with an informed perspective with a civil exchange of ideas.  That is how people learn. I have been proven wrong in my prior beliefs regarding orbs.  I once was a staunch defender that they were of the paranormal realm.  Now seeing sterile rooms where researchers were able to reproduce and show that orbs are just dust and light, I have had to evolve to find other evidence to prove the existence of the Paranormal.

When in doubt toss it out is out motto.  Science has proven over and over again that Orbs can be recreated to do all the spectacular things Paranormal Investigators once used as proof.  We need to evolve every time that scientific evidence is presented and find new ways to prove what we believe. Because of conditions we as humans are susceptible to, such as Pareidolia and Apophenia that can affect our ability to see what is actually right in front of us. Human perception is a tricky thing, especially to those of us trying to prove the existence of the Paranormal!   


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Are you a "Good or a Bad Witch" and Wiccan Practices

Everyone has heard of the infamous Salem witchcraft trials of 1692, but do you know what a Witch or someone that has chosen to practice Wicca Religion really is?  

What it isn't, is the flash, popularity and drama that television and movies have lent to it. First of all People that practice Wicca are NOT Witches, but all Witches practice Wicca. Some use the terms interchangeably.  But they are not the same thing.  Much like being a Christian, does not necessarily make you a Methodist, simply because you claim to be Christian.  You could be Catholic, Protestant, or one of many other denominations or you could just choose to believe in a higher power and may not participate at all in organized religion.

Next we need to distinguish between magic and Magick.  Magic is illusion done for entertainment.  Famous people that you may have heard of are David Copperfield and Houdini.  They make people “disappear” and saw people in half.  These are tricks and their secrets are coveted.  If you knew the “tricks” behind these, you too could do what they do.

Magick is studied techniques for harnessing internal and external energies that will help us change ourselves and our environment.  Aleister Crowley  is the one credited with using the spelling to mark a  difference between the two words and meaning when he had an experience in Egypt in 1904.  To genuine practitioners, we'd know exactly what we were talking about and the only time we even have to bother to differentiate or explain is when we are talking with someone outside the Wiccan Religion or the Art of Magick.

Now I’d like to dispel some common misconceptions. 

Asking someone if they are a good Witch or a bad Witch is like asking someone if they are a good catholic or a bad catholic.  It has to do with ethical standards.  Wiccans believe in the ethical guideline called the "Threefold Law," which states that whatever a person wishes upon someone else returns to them three times over, according to "Wiccan Spirituality" (Green Magic, 2002).  Wicca opposes the use of negative, harmful magic and discourages people from hurting others physically or emotionally, according to "Wicca for Life" (Citadel Press, 2003).  Witches, Druids and other pagan belief systems and religions have their own ethical standards.  

So, to finally answer that questions, I need to say that just as in everyday life, there are good people and bad people.  Most people are both good and bad simultaneously and the path they choose and the ethics their culture and religions adhere to are what eventually labels them as good or bad in that particular society.  Most people walk what Wicca calls the "middle way".

Next, neither Witches nor Wiccans worship Satan.  Satan is part of Christianity and Muslim Religions and Satanism.  And the Pentagram is NOT Satanic.  That impression is thanks to Hollywood and novels.  The five pointed star represents the elements, Air, Earth, Fire & Water and the top point to “Spirit”.  Negative connotations of witchcraft  led its followers to stop referring to themselves as witches and go by "Wiccans" instead, according to "Wicca A to Z" (Citadel Press, 1998). 

Although it's based on ancient beliefs, including aspects of paganism and nature-based spirituality, Wicca was founded by anthropologist Gerald Gardner in the early 1950s, according to "Magico-Religious Groups and Ritualistic Activities" (CRC Press, 2008).  
"Wicca is a new religion that combines surviving folk traditions and more modern elements. It is loosely based on Western European pagan rites and rituals that have been performed for centuries — before, during and after the time of Jesus — such as reverence of nature, observance of the cycle of the seasons, celebration of the harvest, and doing magic," according to "Wicca for Beginners" (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2006).

There is no bible that Wiccans follow. Wiccans may make a "Book of Shadows" for themselves, or may pass one down from a teacher of the faith to his or her student, but that BoS serves as a reference book, according to "Living Wicca" (Llewellyn Worldwide, 1993).  Also referred to as a grimoire, mirror book or magical diary, a BoS is a customized book in which a Wiccan records information he or she finds useful to practicing the faith. While not every Wiccan has a BoS, those that do fill theirs with myths, ceremonies, spells, religious ritual instructions, prayers, herbal lore or personal records of dreams, according to "Living Wicca."

I think this is enough to digest in one sitting.  I will write more later…….

This was a simplistic overview of facts after I was asked what it meant to be a good Witch.  In dealing with the paranormal in my research and everyday life, I have found that when writing things like this, I often learn as much about myself as I mean to convey.  I am a believer in a higher power/energy, but I don’t believe in the “Hallmark” photo of God, Jesus or of a Heaven and Hell.  I do believe that our energy goes on to something else. I also believe that everyone is on their own journey.  I will allow you to believe what you want and please allow me the same courtesy.  So mode it be…. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Faces in Mirrors, Windows, Clouds, Smoke, Etc... Pareidolia and Apophenia

The mind is an incredible thing; it can turn some blobs on your grilled cheese sandwich into a face, a cloud into a face and reflections of light from your flash on a mirror into a face. Faces, as found by the scientists at the University of Bremen in Germany, were given different priority in your brain. In fact they believe that there is a whole section of the brain specifically for face recognition. This study was published in the October 2007 edition of the Journal Science.

MIT as well as many other accredited scientific research facilities have also dedicated years of study to the phenomena and found that "These turn out to be very simple relationships, things like the eyes are always darker than the forehead, and the mouth is darker than the cheeks," Sinha said. "If you put together about 12 of these relationships, you get a template that you can use to locate a face." Eventually, they entered in the information they got from MRI studies on what our brains were recognizing when we were shown faces, even those with less than 12 pixels of resolution and found that the computer could do as good a job as the human brain. "This suggests that, like the computer, the human brain processes faces holistically, like coherent landscapes, rather than one feature at a time."

Once in a while, MIT found that the computer emits a false alarm. "This is a good analogy for what the human brain might be doing," Sinha said. "Like the computer, it's trying to determine what the regularities are in all of these faces to create a prototype.

"But this prototype is not perfect. Sometimes genuine faces do not match these regularities, and sometimes non faces satisfy them."people have gotten so used to seeing faces everywhere that sensitivity to them is high enough to produce constant false positives.

There are many other scientific studies that have been done that all come to the same conclusion. With that being said, would a ghost, that has multiple other ways of manifesting and making itself known really need to be a partially smear or unrecognizable possible face?

Both scientist and trained photographers have known for years that this is a quirk of the human brain and pixilation.  The human imagination and need to find faces in everything is just how we are wired and finding faces where they really are not is just an environmental anomaly and not something paranormal at all...... and neither is the face of "Jesus" or Marilyn Monroe in your grilled cheese sandwich.....