Sunday, January 19, 2014

I WANT PROOF, beyond a shadow of a doubt

I have to laugh.....

As a paranormal investigator and one who believe in the paranormal 100%, I get people who put out videos and photos online and claim those as proof positive of the existence of the paranormal.

Having a video of an orb, blinking, seeming to interact with you, obeying a voice command, hovering, or one a hundred other things, that has been recreated in a sterile lab under scientific conditions proves you have a video of dust. Now, one of the supposedly pieces of dust, might not be dust, but till you can prove that scientifically, it's para-interesting period! Just as getting an evp reading from a site is cool, it is not "proof".

I have just gotten done in a discussion with someone on a page on FaceBook who then deleted the whole post for not agreeing with him. You post a photo or a video and only want those that will agree with you comment, PLEASE SPARE US ALL and don't post it if you cannot take what others are going to tell you - or post, "ONLY those that agree that this is proof, need respond".  That way those of us that have read scientific journals, and study as well as participate in this field will know you don’t want to know the truth. It's called learning and evolving. I once thought the same thing about orbs, and people once thought the world was flat.....and we were proven wrong.

The funny part of all this is that I BELIEVE in the paranormal and the afterlife....but I want to be more than a believer, I WANT PROOF, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they existence......don’t you!

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