Saturday, January 18, 2014

Smartphone Apps and FAKE "GHOSTS"

There are few things that infuriate me more than someone that posts a photo with help of one of the hundred apps out there with a fake ghost for attention.  The fact that they do it in the first place isn't enough, then they defend it and get offended when you question them about the validity of the photo..... REALLY?

Here are just a few fake images we obtained from different apps..(we've put them on one photo as a collage for demonstration purposes)

These are just a few of the images and applications that are available.  I would also like to point your attention to this site on facebook to help point out these fake photos.

We, as Paranormal Investigators that truly believe in the existence of "ghosts and the afterlife", would like nothing more than to have CONCRETE proof of what we believe.  Those that submit these FAKE photos and made up stories for attention are hurting those of us that take this seriously and are using scientific methods to debunk all findings, including our own, so that only what is left might become the proof of what we want to find.

I don't know how else to say this, but STOP making fake photos and posting them as the real thing.  You want to make one as a party gag, ok, but don't post them on the internet for others to post as the "real thing".  Cause we can tell, we are collecting data and evidence to disprove these as well. 

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