Methods of Protection
In working with the paranormal, I have found that protection is something many don't even think about. But, it is something that those that have found out the hard way, and brought someone or something home they hadn't planned on, wish they had done from the very beginning. Even those that don't delve into this realm on purpose may just get caught up in a situation that they too could have avoided.
This protection is not
something that you should take lightly or be afraid of, but rather, something
you feel good about doing. It's like putting on your clothes everyday and eventually, it will be part of your routine. You should be very conscience of it and committed to doing
it each and every time, at lease, before you ghost hunt. Dealing with the spirit world
can be a very dangerous- albeit exciting- endeavor. You need to be sure
you are protected. You must learn how protect yourself. Once an attachment has been formed, it is much more difficult, and sometimes impossible to severe that bond.
Next are some different beliefs and their specific prayers/chants - You may use one of these or one specific to that which you believe. The believing is the important part of this....
Wicca Protection Chant
God and Goddess of the
Please respond to my
cries. Lift me up in your strong arms, Away from those who seek me harm. Shield
me from the awful rage that shall face me day to day to day to day. Help me be
strong in what I do, and help
my heart remain
Give me strength to face
each day, and the hardships
before me lain. Let those
who I love, love me in
and everyday let me
I bid you both my
spirits keep,
while I’m awake and
So mote it is!
The Lords Prayer
Our Father, Who art in
heaven hollowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come; Thy
will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but
deliver us from evil.
The Prayer to Saint Michael
St. Michael the
Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and
snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou. O prince
of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the
evil spirits who prowl about the world for
the ruin of the souls.
Amulet, Crystals & Medallions
Other ways to protect
yourself are by wearing medallions or amulets.You can also keep stones in your
pocket that have protective energies to them. You can get these by going
to your local priest or new age stores (depending on your religious beliefs).
Protective Stones
Here is a list of
stones that have protective energy sources
Kunzite, Fluorite,
Carnelian, Amethyst, Citrine, Onyx
Jade, Tourmaline,
Garnet, Smokey Quartz, Peridot
Jet, Jasper,
Labradorite, Obsidian, and Prehnite
When you purchase these
stones and want to carry them in your pocket, it is good to cleanse them when
bringing them home. And after the investigation you should smudge them
with Sage to clear them of any negative energy. A way to cleanse the stones is
to place the stone or crystal in running water or immerse them in sea salt. You
can also place them in the light of the sun or moon for a few hours. This can
recharge its energy provided it does not fade in the sunlight and care is taken
that it does not focus the rays where they could start a fire. Certain crystals
also have the ability to cleanse other crystals so you can place some Carnelian
in a bag of tumbled stones and you will never need to cleanse then doing any
other method.
~ ~ ~
Smudge Sticks and Sage
Smudge Sticks &
Sage are other methods used to protect yourself before and after you go on
investigation is to smudge yourself with Sage. Just light a small piece of sage
and blow it out allowing the smoke to go all around you. This will draw the
negative energy away from you.
Protect and Cleanse Your
If you can identify the
actual spirit, locate the center point of the house. Standing there take a cup
of red wine. After each of the following statements take a sip of wine, and drain
the cup after the last direction.
Facing East Say
Lady of
love and power and all blessings, breathe love into this house, fill the air
with good. Through you, in you, I bless this house. Facing South: Lady of
love and living all the blessings, warm this house with comfort, make whole its
hearth. Through you, and in you, I bless this house. Facing west: Lady of tide
and time and every blessings, let every hour flow sweetly in this house.
Through you, and in you, I bless this house. Facing North: lady of strength and
riches and all blessings, make this house strong and filled with earthly good.
Through you, and in you, I bless this house. Walk around the house saying the
following in each room (including attic and cupboards): Be comforted. All is well.
Now you are blessed. You have life to nurture and nurture you. Be calm. Be
easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.
If you can identify the
spirit, say the following in the room most
It is time to leave
All is well.
There is nothing here
for you.
You must be gone.
Go now, go complete your
Go, and with our
blessing and farewell.
Often commanding any
evil spirits to leave at once, in the name of your deity three times works
well. After this you could get a smudge stick of Sage, or Sage incense, and
perform a house blessing caring it docile around the property and form
room to room, paying special attention to the doorways, crevices and windows,
and also any places that “feel” cold.
As you do this with
words from a house blessing, scatter salt and water, which has been consecrated
and blessed. Have windows and doors open as you bless the house. Salt scattered
along windowsills and doorways will prevent any entity re-entering the
These apply equally to
investigators of paranormal phenomenon and average people afraid of coming
under demonic attack. People should rely on symbols their personal
religious beliefs associate with the divine. For example Catholics should
rely on holy water and the cross while a Jewish person should consider putting
a mezuzah at the doors of their home, and a Wiccan would rely upon the
Take a shaker of table salt and that’s all it really is,
salt. Take salt that has been properly blessed by a priest and it carries
the strength of that priest’s faith through that faith the power of the
divine. Or the most powerful of all salt is Black Salt. Black salt has a couple other names,
including Sal Negro, Witches Salt, Drive Away Salt, Voodoo Salt and Santeria
Salt. It can be used to drive away negative energies and evil spirits to
protect a home or place of work, it can be sprinkled around your property or
garden for protection, use it to remove jinxes, curses and hexes, or you can
use it to cast a very strong circle of protection. Add to it a person’s
own personal faith and it becomes a weapon that demonic spirits will hate and
fear. Beyond this there are specific things people can do that will help
with protection. Most important of all is the sort of person they
are. Happy, positive people who try to make the world a better place do
not, usually, wind up plagued by demonic phenomenon. Demons draw power
from hatred, fear and human suffering and grow weaker in the presence of the
positive. Addictions go along with this as well as the use of mind
altering substances can leave a person vulnerable to demonic attack.
Eliminating occult
influences in a person’s life is another important aspect of protection as
well. Both Ed Warren of the New England Society for Psychic Research and
Lou Gentile of Delaware Valley Demonology Research for example reported that
most of the cases of demonic attack they were called on could be traced to the
person using an Ouija board. As obvious as it sounds as well the use of
black magic, active participation in satanic rituals, or association with
people who do so are all common causes of problems. In general any occult
activity that actively calls upon spirits can be risky especially when done by
people who are inexperienced and unaware of the risks involved. This also
is true of investigating paranormal occurrences.
Beyond the general advice
it’s important to realize demonic activity is fairly rare. If a person
hears strange noises in their house, or thinks a friend is possessed its likely
there is a more mundane explanation. It’s important to be aware that
these dangers exist but seeing them behind every corner is unhealthy and
eventually will lead to fear and paranoia without any reasonable source. If it makes a person feel more comfortable
they should consider a house blessing from a priest of their own faith or one
they find compatible but otherwise not worry about the situation unless
something more overt occurs.