Monday, January 6, 2014

Is it folklore or truth that the full moon increases the height of paranormal activity?
Should we be scheduling reportedly haunted location during full moons?

I have read numerous reports that paranormal activity is increased during the full moon, but is this true?

Since paranormal activity occurs every day, regardless of weather, might there be an increase in paranormal activity during geomagnetic storms & phases of the moon. 
Many sites say the best time for paranormal activity is during the new moon, and two or three days on either side of the full and new moon, during the geomagnetic storm and during the electrical storm, are the best times for ghost hunting and claimed to work all over the world.  Then there are a few that said the moon had no affect at all.  Witches also believe that the full moon phases are the best time to summon spirits. 

Scientifically, the earth expands 1/16 of an inch during the full moon’s gravitational pull. The expansion is caused by the movement of magma chambers below the earth’s surface. These movements affect the earth’s magnetic fields. Many paranormal hot spots are in areas of negative magnetic anomalies. Thus, an increase in magnetic fields is likely to have an adverse impact on paranormal activity.”  So with this in mind, the effect should actually be the opposite.

Hospital activity increases greatly during a full moon. Statistically elderly patients become restless & agitated, children seem to act out & become more hyper, patients with mental illness & personality disorders seem to display erratic mood swings. People act out their aggressions more during a full moon per law enforcement and in fact the term "lunatic" stems from the word "lunar". So do moon phases or weather have an impact on spirits? 

There is also a common theory that "psychic tendencies" increase during new & full moons. As a paranormal investigator - or as a group researching haunted places, ones sensitivity to perceive paranormal phenomena may increase during peak geomagnetic times/moon phases.  It also appears that as most investigators journey into this realm of study to attain a higher level of awareness, either unconsciously or deliberately.

So, what it seems is that we need to test this theory out.  Scientifically, we could do this if we have a location that we have had activity where we can revisit at different phases of the moon to see if we can recreate the activity at all phases of the moon.

So, for now, the jury is out…. What do you think?

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