Thursday, January 9, 2014

Mold and the PARANORMAL........

There are connections between ghosts / hauntings, demonic possession, related so called paranormal activity and black mold.

All the home remodeling shows have shown just how common and present mold is in most homes....even the ones that you can't see on the surface.

Mold spores are very easily transported to different areas by attaching themselves to various hosts. These hosts would include people, animals, shoes and they even enter through open windows and doors. The spores then thrive and grow where it is damp and moist. Very toxic molds can develop from water seepage, and while black mold is "less common than other mold species it is not rare".

Some people may not experience severe health problems from toxic black mold while others will. Out of those people affected by the mycotoxins from toxic black mold, people with weaker immune systems, children and the elderly will suffer worse health issues.

Toxic black mold (aka Stachybotrys chartarum) can cause serious health problems and symptoms in humans such as debilitating mental effects, breathing problems, damage to internal organs and in some cases has even caused death.

Besides being toxic, the spores from toxic black mold are also allergenic and so they can cause the allergic reactions in humans that other more common household molds do such as sneezing, sore eyes and a runny nose.

The mycotoxins produced by toxic black mold cause toxic symptoms in humans. These symptoms include:

- mental and neurological symptoms
- respiratory symptoms
- circulatory symptoms
- vision and eye symptoms
- skin symptoms
- immune system symptoms
- reproductive symptoms
- tiredness and discomfort symptoms
- other illnesses and health symptoms.

The trichothecene mycotoxins produced by toxic black mold are neurotoxic which means they can kill neurons in the brain and impair mental ability, as well as cause nervous disorders such as tremors. Exposure to toxic black mold's mycotoxins also causes personality changes such as mood swings and irritability.


- Confusion
- Brain fog
- Shortened attention span
- Difficulty concentrating and paying attention
- Slowed reflexes
- Disorientation
- Dizziness
- Memory loss and memory problems
- Impaired learning ability
- Hallucinations
- Shock
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Aggression and other personality changes
- Tingling
- Trembling
- Shaking
- Seizure
- Numbness

People living in homes with toxic black mold are exposed to the mold mostly through breathing in black mold spores and mycotoxins. The mycotoxins of toxic black mold create irritation and a burning sensation in the air passages of a person such as in the nasal cavity, mouth and throat. These mycotoxins which are breathed in can become lodged in the mucous membranes, sinuses and the lungs which then causes a burning feeling, breathing problems and bleeding in the lungs.


- Difficulty breathing - breathlessness or shortness of breath
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Pulmonary edema - swelling of the lungs
- Pulmonary hemorrhage - bleeding in the lungs
- Sore throat
- Burning sensation of the mouth
- Bleeding gums
- Runny nose
- Itchy nose
- Stuffy, blocked nose
- Nose bleeds

Black mold mycotoxins or spores which are breathed in, ingested, or absorbed through the skin or eyes eventually find their way into a person's blood stream and heart. This can lead to heart damage and problems with blood clotting and internal or external hemorrhaging.


- Irregular heartbeat
- Heart inflammation
- Damage to heart
- Low blood pressure
- Bone marrow disruption
- Bleeding tendency
- Blood not clotting properly
- Hemorrhage - internal bleeding
- Vomiting up blood
- Bleeding in the brain and in other organs

Airborne toxic black mold mycotoxins can enter into a person's body through the eyes. The mycotoxins are cytotoxic and can damage the cells they contact, inflaming and injuring the eyes and creating vision problems.


- Eye inflammation and soreness
- Red or bloodshot eyes
- Eye damage
- Blurry vision and vision worsening
- Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes)

Skin contact is one of the three main routes of black mold mycotoxins exposure. In cases where humans handled hay contaminated with toxic black mold, they developed more severe rashes and skin problems on the area of contact and on sweaty areas such as the armpits.


- Crawling skin
- Dermatitis - skin inflammation, rash, blisters, itchiness
- Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)

Toxic black mold emits chemicals which suppress the immune system, further helping black mold's mycotoxins to overwhelm a person's health. Many immunosuppressive drugs are actually derived from toxic molds. A person immunocompromised from black mold exposure will be more susceptible to infections and sickness.


- Immunosuppression - immune system not functioning properly
- Infections recurring

Mycotoxins from toxic black mold are teratogenic meaning they can cause abnormalities in the fetus during pregnancy which lead to birth defects. Toxic black mold mycotoxins are also cytotoxic and mutagenic, inhibiting protein synthesis including DNA and RNA.


- Infertility
- Miscarriage
- Impotence
- Fetal development problems

During exposure to toxic black mold the immune system may release a sedative called Chloral Hydrate as a defense to try to slow the effects of the mold down. This also makes the person tired and causes fatigue. Toxic black mold exposure can also cause soreness of the muscles and joints.


- Chronic fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Weakness
- Aches and pains
- Muscle pain
- Chest pain
- Abdominal pain
- Joint pain
- Malaise - general discomfort
- Headaches
- Cold or flu type symptoms or recurring colds
- Fever
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea

Like other molds, toxic black mold and its spores are allergenic and so they can cause allergic reactions in humans such as breathing problems, sore eyes, runny nose, itchiness, sneezing and sore throat.

Following are 16 signs that your house is haunted per, and you will see that they can be attributed to black mold by a logical scientist or trained professional researcher:

1. Unexplained noises
2. Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing
3. Lights turning off and on
4. Items disappearing and reappearing
5. unexplained shadows
6. Strange animal behavior
7. Feelings of being watched
8. Mild psychokinetic phenomena
9. Feelings of being touched
10. Cries and whispers
11. Cold or hot spots
12. Unexplained smells
13. Moving or levitating objects
14. Physical assault
15. Other physical evidence
16. Apparitions

This article was even quick to point out the following, "Before you decide there's a ghost in your house or move out from fear, do your best to find rational explanations for what you are experiencing. Virtually all of the phenomena listed on the previous page could have perfectly natural causes:

- noises could be house settling, plumbing or even vermin such as mice and squirrels
- opening and closing doors could be faulty hinges or caused by drafts
DOPPler phenomena could just be carelessness and forgetfulness
- shadows could be just that - shadows caused, perhaps, by a passing car's headlights
- as real as some of these things might seem to you, they really could be just products of your imagination."

When so-called paranormal events are looked at in the light of logic and reason, the true cause of the believed phenomena will be found and will be less sensationalistic than the paranormal offers.

So, to members of the paranormal collective, the proof for a rational and logical explanation of the paranormal, based on scientific and medical research to members of a logical society, puts an end, without doubt, to the paranormal activity of ghosts, hauntings, demonic possession and other strange, weird, bizarre believed to be caused by paranormal entities.

As a paranormal investigator myself, I am the biggest debunker because I am trying to prove actual experiences I have had as being real and not fake, imagined or induced by some other force, even mold....... One has to take everything into consideration when considering a paranormal, metaphysical or any other event that we believe is happening.....

There are connections between ghosts / hauntings, demonic possession, related so called paranormal activity and black mold.

All the home remodeling shows have shown just how common and present mold is in most homes....even the ones that you can't see on the surface.

Mold spores are very easily transported to different areas by attaching themselves to various hosts. These hosts would include people, animals, shoes and they even enter through open windows and doors. The spores then thrive and grow where it is damp and moist. Very toxic molds can develop from water seepage, and while black mold is "less common than other mold species it is not rare".

Some people may not experience severe health problems from toxic black mold while others will. Out of those people affected by the mycotoxins from toxic black mold, people with weaker immune systems, children and the elderly will suffer worse health issues.

Toxic black mold (aka Stachybotrys chartarum) can cause serious health problems and symptoms in humans such as debilitating mental effects, breathing problems, damage to internal organs and in some cases has even caused death.

Besides being toxic, the spores from toxic black mold are also allergenic and so they can cause the allergic reactions in humans that other more common household molds do such as sneezing, sore eyes and a runny nose.

The mycotoxins produced by toxic black mold cause toxic symptoms in humans. These symptoms include:

- mental and neurological symptoms
- respiratory symptoms
- circulatory symptoms
- vision and eye symptoms
- skin symptoms
- immune system symptoms
- reproductive symptoms
- tiredness and discomfort symptoms
- other illnesses and health symptoms.

The trichothecene mycotoxins produced by toxic black mold are neurotoxic which means they can kill neurons in the brain and impair mental ability, as well as cause nervous disorders such as tremors. Exposure to toxic black mold's mycotoxins also causes personality changes such as mood swings and irritability.


- Confusion
- Brain fog
- Shortened attention span
- Difficulty concentrating and paying attention
- Slowed reflexes
- Disorientation
- Dizziness
- Memory loss and memory problems
- Impaired learning ability
- Hallucinations
- Shock
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Aggression and other personality changes
- Tingling
- Trembling
- Shaking
- Seizure
- Numbness

People living in homes with toxic black mold are exposed to the mold mostly through breathing in black mold spores and mycotoxins. The mycotoxins of toxic black mold create irritation and a burning sensation in the air passages of a person such as in the nasal cavity, mouth and throat. These mycotoxins which are breathed in can become lodged in the mucous membranes, sinuses and the lungs which then causes a burning feeling, breathing problems and bleeding in the lungs.


- Difficulty breathing - breathlessness or shortness of breath
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Pulmonary edema - swelling of the lungs
- Pulmonary hemorrhage - bleeding in the lungs
- Sore throat
- Burning sensation of the mouth
- Bleeding gums
- Runny nose
- Itchy nose
- Stuffy, blocked nose
- Nose bleeds

Black mold mycotoxins or spores which are breathed in, ingested, or absorbed through the skin or eyes eventually find their way into a person's blood stream and heart. This can lead to heart damage and problems with blood clotting and internal or external hemorrhaging.


- Irregular heartbeat
- Heart inflammation
- Damage to heart
- Low blood pressure
- Bone marrow disruption
- Bleeding tendency
- Blood not clotting properly
- Hemorrhage - internal bleeding
- Vomiting up blood
- Bleeding in the brain and in other organs

Airborne toxic black mold mycotoxins can enter into a person's body through the eyes. The mycotoxins are cytotoxic and can damage the cells they contact, inflaming and injuring the eyes and creating vision problems.


- Eye inflammation and soreness
- Red or bloodshot eyes
- Eye damage
- Blurry vision and vision worsening
- Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes)

Skin contact is one of the three main routes of black mold mycotoxins exposure. In cases where humans handled hay contaminated with toxic black mold, they developed more severe rashes and skin problems on the area of contact and on sweaty areas such as the armpits.


- Crawling skin
- Dermatitis - skin inflammation, rash, blisters, itchiness
- Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)

Toxic black mold emits chemicals which suppress the immune system, further helping black mold's mycotoxins to overwhelm a person's health. Many immunosuppressive drugs are actually derived from toxic molds. A person immunocompromised from black mold exposure will be more susceptible to infections and sickness.


- Immunosuppression - immune system not functioning properly
- Infections recurring

Mycotoxins from toxic black mold are teratogenic meaning they can cause abnormalities in the fetus during pregnancy which lead to birth defects. Toxic black mold mycotoxins are also cytotoxic and mutagenic, inhibiting protein synthesis including DNA and RNA.


- Infertility
- Miscarriage
- Impotence
- Fetal development problems

During exposure to toxic black mold the immune system may release a sedative called Chloral Hydrate as a defense to try to slow the effects of the mold down. This also makes the person tired and causes fatigue. Toxic black mold exposure can also cause soreness of the muscles and joints.


- Chronic fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Weakness
- Aches and pains
- Muscle pain
- Chest pain
- Abdominal pain
- Joint pain
- Malaise - general discomfort
- Headaches
- Cold or flu type symptoms or recurring colds
- Fever
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea

Like other molds, toxic black mold and its spores are allergenic and so they can cause allergic reactions in humans such as breathing problems, sore eyes, runny nose, itchiness, sneezing and sore throat.

Following are 16 signs that your house is haunted per, and you will see that they can be attributed to black mold by a logical scientist or trained professional researcher:

1. Unexplained noises
2. Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing
3. Lights turning off and on
4. Items disappearing and reappearing
5. unexplained shadows
6. Strange animal behavior
7. Feelings of being watched
8. Mild psychokinetic phenomena
9. Feelings of being touched
10. Cries and whispers
11. Cold or hot spots
12. Unexplained smells
13. Moving or levitating objects
14. Physical assault
15. Other physical evidence
16. Apparitions

This article was even quick to point out the following, "Before you decide there's a ghost in your house or move out from fear, do your best to find rational explanations for what you are experiencing. Virtually all of the phenomena listed on the previous page could have perfectly natural causes:

- noises could be house settling, plumbing or even vermin such as mice and squirrels
- opening and closing doors could be faulty hinges or caused by drafts
DOPPler phenomena could just be carelessness and forgetfulness
- shadows could be just that - shadows caused, perhaps, by a passing car's headlights
- as real as some of these things might seem to you, they really could be just products of your imagination."

When so-called paranormal events are looked at in the light of logic and reason, the true cause of the believed phenomena will be found and will be less sensationalistic than the paranormal offers.

So, to members of the paranormal collective, the proof for a rational and logical explanation of the paranormal, based on scientific and medical research to members of a logical society, puts an end, without doubt, to the paranormal activity of ghosts, hauntings, demonic possession and other strange, weird, bizarre believed to be caused by paranormal entities.

As a paranormal investigator myself, I am the biggest debunker because I am trying to prove actual experiences I have had as being real and not fake, imagined or induced by some other force, even mold....... One has to take everything into consideration when considering a paranormal, metaphysical or any other event that we believe is happening.....

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